We Need Your Help to Lower Phone Rates in CA County Jails

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Dear Prison Phone Justice Supporter:       

We need your help to reduce phone rates at county jails in California!       

There is a desperate need to change the way prisoners make calls at county jails in California. While we are pleased that California state prisons do not receive “commission” kickbacks from prison phone companies, county jails still accept commissions. With kickbacks ranging to over 70 percent, county jails are receiving millions of dollars from phone revenue on the backs of prisoners’ family members and loved ones through inflated phone rates.       

For example, in Alameda County, a 15-minute in-state call costs $12.75, with the Alameda County Sheriff's Department receiving a 70 percent commission. This resulted in $1,629,046 in revenue for the sheriff's department in one year alone! In Los Angeles County, a 15 minute in-state call costs $13.35, with the phone service company guaranteeing $15 million in revenue for the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department!       

Thankfully, we have a supporter and friend in California Assembly Member Bill Quirk, of California's 20th Assembly District. Assembly Member Quirk has proposed AB 1876, which would prohibit California county jails from accepting commission kickbacks or other incentive payments from prison phone companies. By eliminating these kickbacks, county jails can provide phone services at much more reasonable rates.       

To make this bill a reality, we need your help!  Please contact your Assembly Member AND members of the Local Government Committee, where AB 1876 is currently pending, and urge them to support this legislation. By taking action, you will be facilitating real change as to how prisoners in county jails communicate with their loved ones.                 

To read the Campaign for Prison Phone Justice’s letter in support of AB 1876, click here:                 http://nationinside.org/campaign/prison-phone-justice/press/human-rights-defense-center-supports-ab-1876/                

Thank you for your help and support!

California prison phone