Pechanga Tribal Theft Reaches $450 MILLION. Led By Mark Macarro, Pechanga Tribal Council Failed to Uphold Tribal Constitution

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From the Pechanga Band of Luiseno Indians in Temecula CA here is the breakdown of the theft of per capita by the Mark Macarro led tribal council:

The Hunter family has lost $1,920,666 per person, in per capita payments alone. We arrived at that figure by taking the last full year of per capita $268,000/12 months and multiplying that loss times 86 months of disenrollment. 95 adults at the time of disenrollment equals:  $182,463,000

The Apis/Manuela Miranda family was disenrolled two years prior in 2004, our previous posts mistakenly put their disenrollment in 2005. The per capita was slightly less, about $17,000 per month times 94 months of termination: $1,870,000 times 135 adults equals:  $252,450,000

Moratorium People NEVER shared in what was rightfully theirs. The per capita went up to $360,000 per year for those remaining after elimination of tribal citizens.  Yet still, thug members were involved in drugs, shootings and carjacks.

Pechanga Theft of  $454 MILION Includes additional $19.4 Million in Health Insurance, which would qualify under Obamacare as a "caddillac plan".   Per capita losses are $200,000 PER DAY.

These totals do not include lost education assistance nor does it account for family members that attained the age of majority.

California Temecula